what clients say

Enabling you to navigate through the challenges of life

I have worked with Mykal several times, and she has helped me overcome some challenges. She has a great approach using laser vision that can penetrate and reach any situation. Miss spending time with this woman! See put you where you need to be and create a sound decision-making process. Call her if you want results! It is an honor to know such a high-level person.
Thank you! You are the coach who gives me room to process, asks powerful questions at the right time, reflects what I say, and tells the truth. Thank you very much!
Mykal helped me find my life purpose and how to achieve it. I recommend her to anyone trying to find clarity in her life.
She is intuitive and can decide the best way to communicate with each interlocutor. She is full of divine wisdom and insight. Mykal is a great listener, and she can identify when just talking won't solve the problem. She was by my side during the most difficult times of my life, like an open vessel that poured love and encouragement into me.
I was at a dead end in life... I had to trust my coach. We were a team, and I had to recognize that I had to learn from her...Mykal, my coach, taught me how to prioritize my life...I was no longer afraid, and I wasn't afraid to try new things... As a result, my income tripled. Everyone should have a Mykal as their coach, she is your personal cheerleader, motivator, and confidant.
Highly recommend. The group coaching is so fun and yet healing. I love the process throughout! Had discovered so many truths about myself and feel empowered when truths are rectified and applied to my life.
There’s a lot of beauty in the world and transformation isn’t easy. At NUNDA, we do it like no one else. Don’t get lost in the cold world of consultants and spreadsheets. Ideas are not enough without commitment. Strategy is empty without change. This is what we focus on, this is what makes us different.

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