Since 2006, our signature program has combined hindsight with perspective to help you claim your greatest opportunity as a parent, step parent or caretaker to small children.


Do you have a parenting vision? What are your goals as a parent? There are so many things in life that we plan for. Why not plan for how you wish to raise your children?


We believe the single most important ingredient for maturity and leadership that parents can pass on is ownership.


Conscious and intentional parenting does not happen simply because we read a book. It happens across the day- to-day of life raising children. Transform your parenting vision into a reality.

Final Deadline
Since 2006, our signature program has combined hindsight with perspective to help you claim your greatest opportunity as a parent, step parent or caretaker to small children.


Do you have a parenting vision? What are your goals as a parent? There are so many things in life that we plan for. Why not plan for how you wish to raise your children?


We believe the single most important ingredient for maturity and leadership that parents can pass on is ownership.


Conscious and intentional parenting does not happen simply because we read a book. It happens across the day- to-day of life raising children. Transform your parenting vision into a reality.

Final Deadline

The Breadcrumbs Program

In a world of seemingly endless distraction, Breadcrumbs® is how families stay aligned with
what matters most.

Who It's For

New Parent
First Time Parent

  • Eagerly consumes parenting books, articles, podcasts on parenting, etc
  • Does NOT believe that parenting books, or the so-called “experts” have all the answers when it comes to being a great parent.


  • Pregnancy
  • Adoption Process
  • IVF Treatment


  • Guardianship arrangement
  • Those actively and consistently involved in the upbringing of their grandchildren


A unique opportunity to capture the true evolution of the relationship between you and your child…in realtime.

Build a completely unique and authentic account of their childhood experience

the only process designed to capture the significance of your influence as parent or caregiver.

New Parent
First Time Parent

  • Eagerly Consume parenting books, articles, podcasts, etc.
  • Does not believe parenting books, and so called”experts” have all the answer.


  • Pregnancy
  • Adoption Process
  • IVF Treatment


  • Guardian arrangement
  • Active/Consistent role in grandchildren’s upbringing

An unique opportunity to capture the true evolution of the relationship between you and your child…in realtime.

Create an account of their childhood moments which will also reflect the significance of your influence as parent or caregiver.

A Refreshing approach to the parent-child story

Life is a Classroom

“A parent’s role/purpose is to get their children ready for the rigors, expectations and many realities of autonomous adulthood. However, seldom do we recognize that many of the experiences happening in our own adult lives today are RIPE with exactly the sort of truths, scenarios, lessons and growth opportunities that would be extremely valuable to our children. At NUNDA, we believe that ‘Life is a Classroom’. Breadcrumbs is the experience you create for your children that you wish had been created for you.

The WHY of The Breadcrumbs Program

I’ll give you three reasons why I started creating Breadcrumbs for my daughter, Bryce when she was just 6 months old.
  • Because I desired to be a wonderful mother but didn’t know if I truly had what it took.
  • Because I loved my child with a love so deep that it overwhelmed me at times, and I thought my daughter deserved a way to access all the love I held for her, but through my eyes.
  • Because I had no way of knowing how any of my efforts raising her would turn out in the end, and despite this, I still wanted her to have a way of knowing the evolution of our story as mother and child
  • Because I wanted the lessons, the pearls of wisdom, the many truths and realities about life, to be able to find her again, at the time of her adulthood.

Our Approach:

Breadcrumbs is the first and only program for parents, grandparents, and caretakers that looks to heighten your Parent-Child story, resulting in more present, intentional and joy-filled parenting experience.
Design Your Parenting Legacy Blueprint



Get clear about your parenting vision, while considering elements of the Parenting experience that are largely underserved.

Our onboarding process. This is where Breadcrumbs seamlessly becomes blended into the rhythms of your life with your children.

Design Your Parenting Legacy Blueprint

Get clear about your parenting vision, while considering elements of the Parenting experience that are largely underserved.


Our onboarding process. This is where Breadcrumbs seamlessly becomes blended into the rhythms of your life with your children


Is Breadcrumbs right for you?
“If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together”
“There is no such thing as a perfect parent. So just be a real one.”
“Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children”
“All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my mother.”
“Parents aren’t the people you come from. They’re the people you want to be, when you grow up.”
“While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.”
“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men”
“Parenthood…It’s about guiding the next generation, and forgiving the last.”
“My father didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it.”
“While we try to teach our children all about life, Our children teach us what life is all about.”
“To understand your parents’ love you must raise children yourself.”
"The best inheritance a parent can give his children is a few minutes of his time each day."

Common Challenges We Solve For:

  • Parent Imposter Syndrome

  • The many glorious distractions provided by our cell phones

  • Feeling overwhelmed (occasionally or constantly) by the weight of your responsibilities as a parent or caregiver.

  • Worrying about “Getting it right” for your children

  • Lack of focus at work because of problems at home

  • Wanting to feel approval/respected amongst your parenting circles

  • Struggles with feelings of conflict because of moments which require you to choose between your child’s needs, and that of your own goals and aspirations

  • Feeling like you’re unable to keep up or meet expectations

Typical Desires and Goals of Our Clients:

  • To create experiences and opportunities for your children that weren’t possible for you.

  • To raise good humans

  • To improve your capacity for being more present with your children

  • Not wanting to miss a single moment or milestone in their childhood

  • To be considered as a “Great” parent by your children, as well as other parents

Common Challenges We Solve For:

  • Parent Imposter Syndrome

  • The many glorious distractions provided by our cell phones

  • Feeling overwhelmed (occasionally or constantly) by the weight of your responsibilities as a parent or caregiver.

  • Worrying about “Getting it right” for your children

  • Lack of focus at work because of problems at home

  • Wanting to feel approval/respected amongst your parenting circles

  • Struggles with feelings of conflict because of moments which require you to choose between your child’s needs, and that of your own goals and aspirations

  • Feeling like you’re unable to keep up or meet expectations

Typical Desires and Goals of Our Clients:

  • To create experiences and opportunities for your children that weren’t possible for you.

  • To raise good humans

  • To improve your capacity for being more present with your children

  • Not wanting to miss a single moment or milestone in their childhood

  • To be considered as a “Great” parent by your children, as well as other parents


Meet Mykal White


Everything I have come to observe, embrace and relish about life, as well as the blind spots of our own humanity, is because of Nunda.

Nunda was truly an enigma; an incredibly sage and brilliant woman, very much ahead of her time. She was the most uncommonly gifted human I have ever have known.

Nunda was my Mother.

Of the many priceless contributions made to my life by her, the gift of Perspective has easily proven to be the most powerful, by far. My mother seemed to perfectly understand the importance of the child inside us all. And she understood the significance of what happens when we maintain a relationship to that child inside. I had the privilege to be raised by a woman who saw the world, and the people in it, through this incredible lens.

NUNDA is a company built almost around the wisdom of those teachings. Our focus is on improving the significant relationships in your life in practical and unconventional ways. Why should leadership coaching and development be primarily reserved for executives and owners? NUNDA is for all who desire to stretch the boundaries and limitations of their experiences.

The Book of NUNDA

Read our latest Articles, Observations, and Perspective:

Circle of Life

The mother always described the moment when we first met and she held me in her arms for the very first time as a feeling...

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Perspective is the fine print of life’s contract. This is not only the story you tell yourself, but your capacity to leave space for what you haven’t considered about the story.


The purpose is about the “patch of land” that is ours alone to claim. It is the space that only YOU can fill. Without a personal connection to WHY, it’s hard to justify much.


Progress is achieved by way of our truly innovative programs, products and the collective power of NUNDA Nation (our community).

The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said.

- Peter Drucker

“After partnering with NUNDA for group coaching for my team, I became curious about the benefits that might be realized from having a coach of my own. It would be hard to describe what my coach has done for me both personally and professionally. I am without a doubt a better leader because of it and would recommend NUNDA to anyone looking for their next level of self.”
After suffering a massive heart attack at the age of 52, we helped Steve put systems in place that allowed him to have greater support from his teams so he could have an improved work-life balance – something he never had before.
Martin went from feeling as if he was failing as a husband and father to having a renewed sense of purpose, confidence, and greater intention in his relationships with his children.
There’s a lot of beauty in the world and transformation isn’t easy. At NUNDA, we do it like no one else. Don’t get lost in the cold world of consultants and spreadsheets. Ideas are not enough without commitment. Strategy is empty without change. This is what we focus on, this is what makes us different.

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