The Great Gamble

by Mykal White
On more days than I’d like to admit, I wonder if I am failing my daughter. There are times when I lose sight of the blessings and can only focus on my shortcomings and how those things will probably affect her in the long run. On the mornings when we have friction or there is frustration or yelling or tears, I’ve made my 2 hour commute into the city with a heavy heart and cloudy thoughts
I stare out of the window and can only think how unfair it is that although she did not ask for me to be her mother - here I am, in charge of bringing her up. In those moments I feel helpless that I can't be more than the sum of all the years that lead up to that day...
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The Audacity of Tomorrow

Story time: Brysse was in the second grade the first time she came home and told me she liked a boy a school. I was definitely surprised by this but still tried to play it cool. “Oh yeah?” I asked her. “But what do you like about him?”
She shrugged. “He’s cute.” I waited a moment, expecting her to have more to say than just that. I took a breath and tried another approach. “Okay, so he’s cute. Cute isn’t a skill. Anyone can be cute.
She shrugged. “He’s cute.” I waited a moment, expecting her to have more to say than just that. I took a breath and tried another approach. “Okay, so he’s cute. Cute isn’t a skill. Anyone can be cute. I mean ... tell me about him. What in particular do you like about him? What makes him special?”
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The Morning I Got Sucker Punched by My Kid

by Mykal White
From the moment I opened my eyes, I sensed it would not be good. There, in the middle of the night, stood my eleven-year old daughter, Brysse, at the side of my bed, wearing an expression I could not immediately define. I had no idea what the hell had happened- but it was safe to assume that no- everything was not alright.
So I sat up, clicked on the lamp and waited anxiously, for her to reveal whatever news clearly could not wait till morning. Tried not to let on right then to the controlled panic that was rising inside me.
But that all changed once the words began to tumble from my daughter’s mouth. And once it quickly had become apparent to me that this girl had obviously lost her whole entire mind.
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Credentials and Qualifications

by Mykal White
Just for a moment, try to imagine a world where every parent must be screened by their child on the day of their 5th birthday. Think of the angst each of us might feel as we go through each day changing diapers, potty training, teaching them to walk and talk, showing them right from wrong - all the while knowing the moment looms ahead of us.
The day when we must explain to our child who we are, and some of the things we’ve experienced in life that we feel qualify us to raise them to be the best people they can be.
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... and Reality Makes 3!

by Mykal White
After the anxious anticipation of pregnancy, those first few weeks at home with your baby, the hours staring in disbelief at this tiny person you can’t believe you created, the certain surrendering to the interruption of everything we knew before becoming a Parent...
There is life, of course.
Parenthood itself, is a crap shoot. Sure there are odds and a decent level of measured risk, but bringing a child into this world is life’s greatest gamble. Regardless of how many books and parenting publications we devour pre-baby, we can never know what each child will ask of us until they are already here and asking.
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The Great Gamble

by Mykal White
On more days than I’d like to admit, I wonder if I am failing my daughter. There are times when I lose sight of the blessings and can only focus on my shortcomings and how those things will probably affect her in the long run. On the mornings when we have friction or there is frustration or yelling or tears, I’ve made my 2 hour commute into the city with a heavy heart and cloudy thoughts
I stare out of the window and can only think how unfair it is that although she did not ask for me to be her mother - here I am, in charge of bringing her up. In those moments I feel helpless that I can't be more than the sum of all the years that lead up to that day...
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The Audacity of Tomorrow

Story time: Brysse was in the second grade the first time she came home and told me she liked a boy a school. I was definitely surprised by this but still tried to play it cool. “Oh yeah?” I asked her. “But what do you like about him?”
She shrugged. “He’s cute.” I waited a moment, expecting her to have more to say than just that. I took a breath and tried another approach. “Okay, so he’s cute. Cute isn’t a skill. Anyone can be cute.
She shrugged. “He’s cute.” I waited a moment, expecting her to have more to say than just that. I took a breath and tried another approach. “Okay, so he’s cute. Cute isn’t a skill. Anyone can be cute. I mean ... tell me about him. What in particular do you like about him? What makes him special?”
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The Morning I Got Sucker Punched by My Kid

by Mykal White
From the moment I opened my eyes, I sensed it would not be good. There, in the middle of the night, stood my eleven-year old daughter, Brysse, at the side of my bed, wearing an expression I could not immediately define. I had no idea what the hell had happened- but it was safe to assume that no- everything was not alright.
So I sat up, clicked on the lamp and waited anxiously, for her to reveal whatever news clearly could not wait till morning. Tried not to let on right then to the controlled panic that was rising inside me.
But that all changed once the words began to tumble from my daughter’s mouth. And once it quickly had become apparent to me that this girl had obviously lost her whole entire mind.
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Credentials and Qualifications

by Mykal White
Just for a moment, try to imagine a world where every parent must be screened by their child on the day of their 5th birthday. Think of the angst each of us might feel as we go through each day changing diapers, potty training, teaching them to walk and talk, showing them right from wrong - all the while knowing the moment looms ahead of us.
The day when we must explain to our child who we are, and some of the things we’ve experienced in life that we feel qualify us to raise them to be the best people they can be.
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... and Reality Makes 3!

by Mykal White
After the anxious anticipation of pregnancy, those first few weeks at home with your baby, the hours staring in disbelief at this tiny person you can’t believe you created, the certain surrendering to the interruption of everything we knew before becoming a Parent...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit tempor class, tristique taciti dignissim dapibus tellus nisl maecenas nec nullam, facilisis metus et hac ridiculus sodales pellentesque urna.
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